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Rebuilding GRG Staffs Homes in Buttal

On the 25th April 2015, 3 staff members of GRG's lost their homes to the earthquake. They are now all set up in temporary shelters to see out the monsoon, although not ideal, they all have shelter which is waterproof and we have tried to make them as comfortable as possible. 


We have also provided them with enough food to see them through the next few months.


After the monsoon, (September), when the rains have stopped and the tremors are less severe we will start to rebuild their homes properly. We are still fundraising to get enough funds to do this and researching the best way to rebuild - current thoughts are to build using rammed earth rather than concrete to prevent this happening in the future.


This is an ongoing project and will take many months to complete, but we are dedicated to this and will see it through to the end. Please help us to rebuid the homes of these very special families. 

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