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Initial Aid Relief in Dharsing, Gorkha. 

Dharsing is a village close to our hearts. It is in the same area as Maila's grandfather's home, where his mother grew up and where he has many fond childhood memories. In the village, only 8 houses were damaged, which means it is not damaged enough for the government or aid agencies to be concerned with. But this is still 8 families who have lost their homes and everything inside it. They are all subsitence farmers and without outside help and little hope of rebuildling their homes. All the families are currently living in temporary shelters (along with their livestock) and have started sorting through the rubble to see what can be salvaged and what can be used to rebuild. Inititally we have provided them with enough food to last a month. We want to help them by replacing the seeds that they lost during the earthquake, which will mean that they can continue to provide for themselves. We would also like to be able to help  rebuild their house. This is one village that we believe we can make a difference in and want to support them ias much as we possibly can. 

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