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Shree Krishna School Painting

Where ever the World Class Academy paddle in the world, they always like to give a little back and run a service learning project. Whilst they were with us in Nepal, we organised for them to take the Street Children kayaking, and for them to be involved in giving a local government school a face lift. Many of the schools in Nepal are very very basic and have little or no resources. We know the importance a good enviornment has on the impact of children's education so we were eager to make this school as nice as it could be. We managed to paint ALL the classrooms in just a weekend and completey change the atmosphere of the school. It went from being quite a dark and dingy place to being bright and airy. We would like to say thank you to the World Class Academy for joining in on this project. We wouldn't have been able to achieve it without them. Unfortunatley, this school was badly affected by the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, and we are now fundraising for repairs as it is currently not safe for the children to be inside. 

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